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My Thoughts

My Prayer

God our Father,
I praise your name with all my heart as I acknowledge your eternal love unto me. What joy fills my mind when I consider your actions that express your love. First, in the crucifixion of your son Jesus, you authenticate my sinful, guilty state. For I indeed am a wretched sinner, incapable of saving myself. You also authenticate your Word that proclaims your love, by loving me even unto death, death on the Cross.
I pray that I can live by authenticating the reality of your love back to you.

What I mean is this: like a teenager has a hard time believing others can love them exactly for who they are and not what they do, live outside the reality of the love from their parents, so I live outside the love you have for me. Make me like a child that dwells in your love and let me authenticate the love and joy you express to me in your Word, and in your creation. Help me authenticate your expressed emotions towards me in my life. Then I won't live like a random atom wandering about the universe without purpose or hope, but I will live like a child of the King with the garments of love and peace and dwell in your presence where righteousness abounds. And when others look at me may they see the results of a living God that loves me.

Dad Wallen