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My Thoughts

My Prayer

Lord, I have heard of your fame;
I stand in awe of your deeds, O Lord.
Renew them in our day,
in our time make them known;
in wrath remember mercy. (Hab 3:1)

Your fame reaches through history and spans continents. Even from my location in a small town in Ohio, USA in 2012 I have heard of the glory of your name.

May my lips be not silent and my actions resound and sing in the pitch and harmony of Truth that will echo through history even into eternity.

Make your wrath known in our day and make it as newsworthy as the latest reports, until we are acutely aware of the Truth that you are not going to let any unjust person go without compensation for their robbery or theft, cheating or deceit. As just judge of all people I trust that you will meet out complete equality to all people. Since we are all guilty none would be able to stand before you without your mercy as expressed in Jesus Christ. His payment of the penalty not for himself, but for mankind makes everyone eligible to have peace with you.

Do this in our day, Lord God! ...Dad