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My Thoughts

Have you ever been on a small boat in blue water at a distance from shore where you can't see land? On a calm day it is exhilarating. The sounds of a peaceful breeze, the sights of an expansive blue sky and the gentle waves reflecting the beautiful sunshine like a clear cut diamond. It's a wonderful experience, if you have a good boat that can get you home when you want. This same scene can be a nightmare if your boat has stranded you and you have no hope of returning to civilization.

Life is like that too. One day we can be enjoying the peace and beauty of it and then we try to start the motor to head home and the battery is dead. A panic sets in and all the contingency plans you had thought about, but never really purchased and put in place, come to mind and instantly you become an idiot for delaying in such important matters. They didn't seem so important when you were in harbor and you had just paid for fuel, your doc fees, your new steering cables and motor mounts (that had corroded in the salt air) and innumerable other expenses. Besides, those 'safety' items were just over priced and a way for companies to really rob you. But here you are and you have robbed yourself.

Your life is just like that. It can be beautiful until the diagnosis of cancer hits. It can be just right and your spouse is suddenly taken from you in a terrible accident. When these events hit, there's no way to get back home. Home, to this point has been the comforts of a nice house with a nice family, a healthy bank account and friends that you enjoy being with. These things are nice but they are temporary and will fade away. Heaven, on the other hand, was made for you and me, actually all us humans. It is our home and we have been given passage to it, not because of what we have done (strength), what we have said (intellect), what we have felt (emotion), but because the God who has put us on the sea of life loves us. He did not abandon us to drift and worry. Throughout his sea of time he has made himself evident, even to this day, in his Word, in his people, and even in his creation.

Embrace his passage Home like you would grasp the mooring lines of a ship that has come to your rescue on the sea. Firmly tie it to the bow of your craft by trusting in his accomplishment on the cross that he provided even before you were born so that you can get Home, too Him, to all who believe. That is what Scripture calls entering into His rest. The rest of going Home under the rescuer's power.

(There is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved. Acts 4:12)