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My Thoughts

Is this World better than what's out there?

The pain in this world is real and severe, but is it possible that it could be worse? (A complete worldview is one that will withstand any test of any persons experience on this earth, and by that I mean a person in Iraq holding to Biblical truth has as much validity to their faith as a person in LA, California. They can both grieve in heart of sadness due to the death of a loved one, they can both be diagnosed with a terminal disease, they can both be victims of terrible abuse and they can also enjoy the benefits this world has to offer in their relationship to God. The Bible explains the occurrence of their experiences.)

Yes, there is pain on this earth, in this solar system, but is this existence protecting us from something even worse. Is it possible that there is evil beyond what even man is capable of outside the boarders of the limited physical world? Is it possible that what man does to man is only the kindergarten of evil? Possibly?

And maybe if there is something completely holy, which we could not exist in it's presence then we are the ones that would be expunged. We would be removed because of justice and not because of evil. We would be removed because we are the evil, the rebels, in the presence of holiness.

Like a pet dog enjoys the safety of their crate at night, not that it's a cage, but because it's a protection. Maybe we people need to enjoy the safety of our world even though it's not perfect or even perfectly clean, because what's outside is inconceivably more threatening.

Think about that.
