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John Wallen

What was John Wallen like?

I liked to have fun. I spoke with a touch of humor in most situations unless the event was somber with dire consequences. I like to have a double intendre in my speech, that I meant to confuse the kids, or at least get them to think about what they were hearing.

I watched my mom die of bone cancer which was caused by a metastasized myoloma cancer. It hit me very hard and I stopped going to college, but it was a personal time in which I was driven to know who God is.

I liked to have a glass of wine in the winter and a Guinness in the summer.

I loved my wife and tried keep the PDA to a minimal but wanted my kids to know that my obedience in loving her was a good thing.

I love the ocean and most everything in it. I would love to sail and scuba dive or snorkel as much as I could.

I had a great life in the USA during an amazing time of peace and prosperity, but I don't think that will last for my children.

I love all my kids and know God will use them to spread the Truth and push back the dark lie. Please look beyond the human mind perspective of all things and try to put your mind into that of God himself (which is impossible of course but) if you proceed to think, if I were God and want to create and love something so it could love me back, unlike a robot, how would I do it?

I think this world is about to enter into a time when God works more dramatically and personal issues which drove people to God before now, will turn into country and continent issues that will drive many to God. This will be a time when many will seek Truth and meaning. (Something can only have meaning if it was created with purpose and only a creator creates with purpose therefore Truth is that we do have purpose and meaning even when everything is falling apart because we are created by the Creator God, Yahwah himself.) The Bible calls this a time when all that can be shaken will be shaken, even your very soul would quiver, but persevere my family and season your life with joy because God has redeemed you in Christ and nothing can separate you from his great love.
