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My Thoughts

It seems a lot of atheists and I have several things in common. The first is that there are absolutes.

I believe that there is a God. I believe it is through his wisdom and understanding that He is the creator of all things seen and unseen, just as it has been documented in the Bible. (A medium of documentation that can span over many millennia. He didn't use 8-track tapes thank goodness.) I also believe that the Bible is God's message to us, a love letter describing how much He loves us. I believe that His one and only Son, Jesus the messiah, is the one and only savior for every tribe, nation and language. He is the broadest savior known in that no one must join another language, another nation or another tribe but everyone can embrace their own language, nation and tribe and love the savior Jesus Christ simultaneously.

Atheists believe that there is no God. This position is very similar to mine in that it is an absolute. If it's not absolute than all atheists are actually agnostics. They believe that there is no message to humans and that love is just a physical expression. Atheists believe there are no such things as miracles, or events that take place once and contradict the 'natural laws' (What is natural?) Except for the fact that life came into existence in a one time, never to be repeated, event that randomly happened as some undocumented event in the past. (This sounds like an Atheistic miracle to me.) Atheists believe in the zeitgeist of discovery. When their explanation becomes un-useful they move on to the newest explanation a human can understand at the time.

Atheists need to understand that science explains God's creation, it doesn't replace the need for a God or prove he doesn't exist. On the contrary science is an evidence that he does exist.

The only solid rock on which humans can stand through all millennia and eternity is Christ the savior for all who repent and believe.
