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My Thoughts
There are times, it's only natural, to hope that certain actions will produce certain results. Todays Thought is about one of these action/reaction experiences and a misunderstanding of it.

Throughout most of my life I have experienced a respite of strife and anxiety when I enter into worship. And then, I've realized that there are times when I'm physically sick I, unconsciously, expect a bit of relief as I enter into worship. When the respite isn't manifest I feel like my worship is not fulfilling. I've learned as I get older that worship isn't for me and no matter how I feel physically it is for God. (God who goes by many names as a description of who he is not because he's many beings, Jehova, YHWH, Creator, The One who Sees, Redeemer, Savior...) In a small way this is encouraging to me even when I am ravaged with sickness because my feelings are not the end result only. The end result being the recognition of the true God in words and thoughts of praise and adoration.

Think about that.

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