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My ThoughtsCommunication is difficult.
There are several ways of going about expressing yourself. One way is to use words to describe an object for it's face value. An example would be to describe a teddy bear as dark brown with button eyes and a thread nose and claws printed on the end of it's arms and legs. But life is more than just a description of the senses. Another way to describe it is through the passion of a child that loves their teddy bear and a friend and loyal companion that bring comfort, fun and peace.
It's hard to describe passion and much harder to communicate someone elses' passion. If I tried to describe my daughters passion for ballet I would have to mention the beauty of the dance, the majestic expression of her face as she dances and the amazement I receive watching her dance ballet. Now if I asked my son to communicate his passion for ballet, it would be short because he doesn't have any.
In that light the Bible is communicating God's passion for us. It's written by a third party trying to describe how the God of the universe loves mankind. (Some people have a difficult time believing God, but please consider if God is real, wouldn't he express himself in the exact way He has in the history of our world? Evidence of Him in every age and His love overflowing through art, music, creativity and scripture. Any other way He might show up wouldn't be as compassionate in giving us the opportunity to love Him for is Love to us.)
Think about that. Love, Dad
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