My ThoughtsPilgrims. That's what the Bible calls those who follow after Jesus Christ. (The word Christ is just the Greek word for the Jewish term Messiah.) As pilgrims we should realize this is not our destination, but only a hallway to our destination. I don't like living in hallways, they are small and confining. There's not much room to do anything in them but they do have a purpose.
Like the hallway though we have an entry point into this life and an exit. No one can choose their entry point but right now you can choose your exit. That exit is either following after Christ Jesus by relying on His blood to forgive you of your sin and you exit into satisfaction (If you say you don't have any sins, just imagine a speaker standing in front of a large gathering and he shows videos of you doing your sins. How long would it be before you say, 'Ok, ok stop.'), OR exit #2, you rely on yourself to pay for your sins and you enter into dissatisfaction. Why dissatisfaction, it is due to the fact that your eternal soul will be in eternal penalty when measured against the eternal, infinite, holy God.
Don't delay. Right now pray to God and ask Jesus into your heart, acknowledging that without him you are without hope in this world and the next, so that you can experience satisfaction in this life and experience complete satisfaction in the next. You are in the hallway, do it before you exit.
Love, Dad